The Best NBA Sports Handicappers

Rank and money earned are based on a flat $500 unit per pick. MORE INFO

Verified Cappers is a third party, non-biased sports handicapping monitor.
We monitor the top legitimate sports handicappers picks daily. All recommended handicappers release picks to the public 10 minutes after the start of each game.

Member Money Earned Win %
Jim McDonald
+$1,000 (2 - 0) 100%
Abe Howland
+$1,000 (2 - 0) 100%
Tommy Hartell
+$1,000 (2 - 0) 100%
Russell Davis
+$1,000 (2 - 0) 100%
Alex "Jedi" Knight
+$1,000 (2 - 0) 100%
Poppi Logan
+$1,000 (2 - 0) 100%
Sal Limonti
+$1,000 (2 - 0) 100%
Marshall Dax
+$1,000 (2 - 0) 100%
Damon Puller
+$1,000 (2 - 0) 100%
Robin Lyons
+$1,000 (2 - 0) 100%
Guy Eslin
+$500 (1 - 0) 100%
"South Side" Slim Landry
+$500 (1 - 0) 100%
Vincent Moretti
+$500 (1 - 0) 100%
Whitney Hicks
+$500 (1 - 0) 100%
Kyle Richards
+$500 (1 - 0) 100%
Walt Kramer "The Fox"
+$500 (1 - 0) 100%
Vincent King
+$500 (1 - 0) 100%
Brendon Katsaros
+$500 (1 - 0) 100%
Simon Says
+$500 (1 - 0) 100%
David Luang
+$500 (1 - 0) 100%
Harold Windham
+$500 (1 - 0) 100%
Skip Breaze
+$500 (1 - 0) 100%
Neil Scott
+$500 (1 - 0) 100%
Brian Quincy
+$500 (1 - 0) 100%
James Murphy
+$500 (1 - 0) 100%

Looking for more handicappers? Check out the full sports handicapper directory.